Spoiler-free Iron Man 3 Review: Close to Home

From The Beginning
Before I can share an Iron Man 3 review I have to tell you how invested I am. In May of 2008 I was introduced to a super hero like no other. As the end credits rolled in the theatre, we sat in awe. It was then that Iron Man won a corner of my heart. The movie came out on my stepdad’s birthday and we saw it as a father-daughter date. We couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks and would bring up scenes as we remembered them. Though Iron Man quickly became my favorite on-screen hero, my stepdad had been my hero in real life for quite some time and I was happy to enjoy the movie together. When the sequel came out it was everything I could have hoped for. I started using the hashtag #MarryMeIronMan to share my love of the movies. I’ve since found my real life love. 😉

Iron Man 3 Review

The Third Installment
I recently shared here that I hoped Robert Downey Jr. still served up sarcasm and humor in Iron Man 3. This film has been advertised quite dramatically in trailers and sneak peeks. Have no fear, the wit is still here! There’s plenty of action and the stakes are extremely high but the over-confident, debonair charm of Tony Stark is still present. Oh, is it ever. It’s truly amazing how he can add the funny to the most thrilling situation but not take away from the action at stake. What a challenge to do yet it is so tastefully done.

Iron Man’s most admirable qualities are his abilities to dream, learn and create. Most of his strength and talents are not innate but earned through his curiosity inspired research. That’s why this comic book character is such a role model. We can be so much more by being creative and believing we can and this movie shows us that.

Stark is revealed to be more human than we’ve ever seen him. In Iron Man 3 we watch him face challenges that some of us face regularly. Living a high stress lifestyle, Tony Stark begins to have severe anxiety attacks. I know this all to well. You and I may not be saving the world on the regular but we each play the hero in our own story every day. Seeing this side of him makes Iron Man so relatable.

Just like in the real world you never can tell who has the best intentions. The demeanor of a few characters changes through out the story taking you for quite a ride while you try and determine who’s really the bad guy.

Pepper Potts is seen in way you haven’t seen her before. I loved everything about this. I hope this Iron Man review gets you excited for this fabulous third installment of the series! It’s a must-see.

Don’t forget to stay after the credits!


1 Comment

  1. Maria
    May 4, 2013 / 6:57 pm

    BTW this was the final movie right?
    Just saw it and LOVED it.

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